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ICBO 2016 Workshop #W03


Integrating Ontological and Genomic Analysis with Galaxy

Workshop type



Dave Clements, Johns Hopkins University

Co-organizer(s) N/A
Workshop Abstract

Galaxy is a free open-source data integration and analysis platform that enables researchers to focus on research questions, rather than on the underlying compute infrastructure. Galaxy is widely used in genomics research, especially with high-throughput sequencing data analysis. This session will introduce the Galaxy platform and ecosystem and then demonstrate how ontological analysis can be integrated with genomic analysis within the context of Galaxy. A hands-on exercise will use both Galaxy and online ontology tools to explore and answer a simple question by integrating basic genomic analysis with ontology based tools.  Participants are strongly encouraged to bring a wifi-enabled laptop with Chrome or Firefox installed on it. Participants will leave with an understanding of how to use Galaxy and how to integrate ontology-based analysis into Galaxy.

Download: Tutorial, Slides.

Rationale The main appeal of this workshop is to life scientists that are familiar with ontologies and ontology-aware tools, and want to learn how that can be integrated with genomic analysis. The Galaxy platform excels at genomic analysis and empowers researchers to ask questions without also requiring them to learn command line interfaces, or Linux package management. Galaxy makes genomic analysis accessible to everyone by making the tools accessible to everyone, not just to bioinformaticians.
Funding source (if any) NIH NHGRI grant 2U41HG006620-05