Save your presentation in .PPTX (PowerPoint) or .PDF format
A day before your presentation provide your presentation file to the designate for upload to the speaker computer it with the organizers
In your slides use large text fonts. Enlarge text prior to taking screen capture images (if any).
No live demo allowed (there is a demo session in the evening if you want to join)
Use speaker computer. Avoid using your computer unless absolutely required
Flash talk (Poster presenters): Scheduled for Day-2 Tuesday, August 2; 5-6pm
1.5 minutes each (Q&A at the poster)
Purpose is to invite the audience to your poster
Presenters must prepare ONLY TWO SLIDES
Format: PowerPoint PPT or PPTx (preferred). PDF if there is no other option.
Slide-1: Must have:Talk title, presenter name, affiliation. Feel free to add funding and acknowledgments as optionals
Slide-2: Research content (max 3 animations) | make sure you use large fonts in the text. Enlarge fonts prior to taking screen capture images (if any).
No live demos allowed (there is a demo session in the evening)
Send your PowerPoint to icboconf AT gmail dot com by Wednesday 27th July.
Use speaker computer only for presentation. No personal computer allowed for presentation
Software and Online resource Demo: Scheduled for Day-1 and Day-2; 6pm onwards. Day-3 is optional.
Review your demo schedule by going to the program detail pages for Day-1 and Day-2
It is held simultaneously with the Poster session.
We will provide Free WiFi, a table and possibly an external monitor to help you engage the audience