Submitted by jaiswalp on

Following ICBO conference workshop proposals have been accepted.

Day Workshop# Workshop Title Workshop Type Organizer(s)



August 1, 2016

W01 Novel approaches to visualizing big data sets (More info) Discussion group (Talks + Discussion) Eugene Zhang
Yue Zhang
W02 OmniSearch and Beyond: ontology-based biomedical information integration and knowledge acquisition for miRNAs (More info) Tutorial, Discussion group (Talks + Discussion) Jingshan Huang
Karen Eilbeck
Dejing Dou
Alan Ruttenberg

Integrating Ontological and Genomic Analysis with  (More info)

Galaxy (External site link)

Tutorial Dave Clements
W04 Representing social and legal entities in the biomedical domain (More info) Discussion group (Talks + Discussion) Mathias Brochhausen
William R. Hogan
Mauricio B. Almeida
Fernanda Farinelli
Amanda Hicks
Selja Seppälä
Laura Slaughter
Barry Smith

Vaccine and Drug Ontology Studies (More info)

Visit detail workshop page (External site link)

Discussion group (Talks + Discussion) Cui Tao
Yongqun He
Sivaram Arabandi
W06 OBO Tutorial: Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies in Action (More info) Tutorial, Ontology 101 (Basics of Ontology) James A. Overton
Mathias Brochhausen
Matthew Brush
Shahim Essaid
Melissa Haendel
Chris Mungall
Barry Smith
Chris Stoeckert
Randi Vita
W07 Topics in OWL Reasoning for BFO-based Ontologies (More info) Tutorial Alan Ruttenberg
W08 Noctua: An all in one solution for ontology development and annotation (More info) Tutorial Suzanna Lewis
Chris Mungall
W09 OBI-ECO Interactions & Evidence (More Info) Project Workshop (Project specific talks + Discussions) Marcus Chibucos
Chris Stoeckert
Jie Zheng



August 4, 2016

W10 An introduction to the Evidence and Conclusion Ontology and representing evidence in scientific research (More info) Project Workshop (Project specific talks + Discussions) Marcus Chibucos
W11 Development of a Global Food Ontology (Farm to Fork) (More info) Discussion group (Talks + Discussion) William Hsiao
Emma Griffiths
Damion Dooley
Pier Buttigieg
Robert Hoehndorf
Fiona Brinkman
W12 Tools and Applications for Data Standards and Knowledge Sharing in Plant Biodiversity (More info) Project Workshop (Project specific talks + Discussions) Laurel Cooper
Dennis Wm. Stevenson
Chelsea Specht
Marie-Angelique LaPorte
W13 Semantic Metadata with ISO 11179 Metadata Registry Standard (More info) Tutorial Denise Warzel
Robinette Renner
W14 Fourth International Workshop on Definitions in Ontologies (IWOOD 2016) (More info) Discussion group (Talks + Discussion) Selja Seppälä
Amanda Hicks
Mark Jensen
Daniel Schlegel
Patrick Ray
Alan Ruttenberg