• Poster (ICBO and BioCreative)
    • Poster IDs, order and titles listed in the following table
    • Poster size: Not to exceed W 44" x H 44". Ideal size W 36" x H 44"
    • Choose your style
    • Posters will be accessible for viewing all the times, but manned only during 6-8pm ( Day1 and 2) and 5-6pm (Day-3)
    • All poster presenters are required to do a 1.5 minute Flash talk on Day-2, 5-6 pm (see details for flash talk session below)
  • Flash talks (poster presenters only)
 Poster_ID EasyChair Submission # Poster/Flash Talk Title
ICBO posters
IP02 28 Adding evidence type representation to DIDEO
IP03 33 Multi-species Ontologies of the Craniofacial Musculoskeletal System
IP04 36 EGO: a biomedical ontology for integrative epigenome representation and analysis
IP05 38 An Ontological Representation for the Transtheoretical Theory
IP06 42 Building a molecular glyco-phenotype ontology to decipher undiagnosed diseases
IP07 43 The Cell Line Ontology integration and analysis of the knowledge of LINCS cell lines
IP08 44 Gold-Standard Ontology-Based Annotation of Concepts in Biomedical Text in the CRAFT Corpus: Updates and Extensions
IP09 47 How to Summarize Big Knowledge Subjects
IP10 48 Analysis of SNOMED 'bleeding' concepts & terms
IP11 49 Uc_Sense: An Ontology for Scientifically-based Unambiguous Characterization of Sensory Experiences
IP12 50 NAPRALERT, from an historical information silo to a linked resource able to address the new challenges in Natural Products Chemistry and Pharmacognosy.
IP13 54 uc_Eating: Ontology for unambiguous characterization of eating and food habits
IP14 55 Towards designing an ontology encompassing the environment-agriculture-food-diet-health knowledge spectrum for food system sustainability and resilience.
IP15 60 uc_Milk: An ontology for scientifically-based unambiguous characterization of mammalian milk, their composition and the biological processes giving rise to their creation
IP16 61 Definition Coverage in the OBO Foundry Ontologies: The Big Picture
IP17 63 Comparison of ontology mapping techniques to map plant trait ontologies
IP18 68 The ImmPort Antibody Ontology
IP19 69 Opportunities and challenges presented by Wikidata in the context of biocuration
IP20 70 Growth of the Zebrafish Anatomy Ontology: Expanded to support adult morphology and dynamic changes in the early embryo
IP21 72 FoodON: A Global Farm-to-Fork Food Ontology
IP22 73 SourceData: Making Data discoverable
IP23 74 Towards an Ontology of Schizophrenia
IP24 75 An OBI ontology Datum Proof Sheet
IP25 76 The Zebrafish Experimental Conditions Ontology Systemizing Experimental Descriptions in ZFIN
IP26 77 Performance Evaluation Clinical Task Ontology(PECTO)
IP27 78 Dealing with elements of medical encounters: an approach based on ontological realism
IP28 79 uc_FIDO: unambiguous characterization of food interactions with drugs ontology
IP29 81 Global Agricultural Concept Scheme: A Hub for Agricultural Vocabularies
IP30 84 Supporting database annotations and beyond with the Evidence & Conclusion Ontology (ECO)
IP31 89 Planteome Gene Annotation Enrichment Analysis
IP32 91 Enhancing SciENcv through semantic research profile integration with the VIVO-ISF ontology
IP33 Invited The Dynamic Impact Approach as a web-based platform for analysis of time-course or multiple treatments omics datasets.
IP34 Invited Plant Reactome: A Resource for Comparative Plant Pathway Analysis
IP35 Invited Planteome: Reference Ontologies and a Platform for Integrative Plant Genomics
IP36 71 The Phenoscape Knowledgebase: tools and APIs for computing across phenotypes from evolutionary diversity and model organisms
BioCreative posters:

Ignet: A centrality and INO-based web system for analyzing and visualizing literature-mined networks

BP02   Disease Named Entity Recognition Using NCBI Corpus
BP03   Label Embedding Approach for Transfer Learning