- Poster (ICBO and BioCreative)
- Poster IDs, order and titles listed in the following table
- Poster size: Not to exceed W 44" x H 44". Ideal size W 36" x H 44"
- Choose your style
- Posters will be accessible for viewing all the times, but manned only during 6-8pm ( Day1 and 2) and 5-6pm (Day-3)
- All poster presenters are required to do a 1.5 minute Flash talk on Day-2, 5-6 pm (see details for flash talk session below)
- Flash talks (poster presenters only)
- Order of talks would follow the ascending Poster IDs
- More on talk preparation see here
Poster_ID | EasyChair Submission # | Poster/Flash Talk Title |
ICBO posters | ||
IP02 | 28 | Adding evidence type representation to DIDEO |
IP03 | 33 | Multi-species Ontologies of the Craniofacial Musculoskeletal System |
IP04 | 36 | EGO: a biomedical ontology for integrative epigenome representation and analysis |
IP05 | 38 | An Ontological Representation for the Transtheoretical Theory |
IP06 | 42 | Building a molecular glyco-phenotype ontology to decipher undiagnosed diseases |
IP07 | 43 | The Cell Line Ontology integration and analysis of the knowledge of LINCS cell lines |
IP08 | 44 | Gold-Standard Ontology-Based Annotation of Concepts in Biomedical Text in the CRAFT Corpus: Updates and Extensions |
IP09 | 47 | How to Summarize Big Knowledge Subjects |
IP10 | 48 | Analysis of SNOMED 'bleeding' concepts & terms |
IP11 | 49 | Uc_Sense: An Ontology for Scientifically-based Unambiguous Characterization of Sensory Experiences |
IP12 | 50 | NAPRALERT, from an historical information silo to a linked resource able to address the new challenges in Natural Products Chemistry and Pharmacognosy. |
IP13 | 54 | uc_Eating: Ontology for unambiguous characterization of eating and food habits |
IP14 | 55 | Towards designing an ontology encompassing the environment-agriculture-food-diet-health knowledge spectrum for food system sustainability and resilience. |
IP15 | 60 | uc_Milk: An ontology for scientifically-based unambiguous characterization of mammalian milk, their composition and the biological processes giving rise to their creation |
IP16 | 61 | Definition Coverage in the OBO Foundry Ontologies: The Big Picture |
IP17 | 63 | Comparison of ontology mapping techniques to map plant trait ontologies |
IP18 | 68 | The ImmPort Antibody Ontology |
IP19 | 69 | Opportunities and challenges presented by Wikidata in the context of biocuration |
IP20 | 70 | Growth of the Zebrafish Anatomy Ontology: Expanded to support adult morphology and dynamic changes in the early embryo |
IP21 | 72 | FoodON: A Global Farm-to-Fork Food Ontology |
IP22 | 73 | SourceData: Making Data discoverable |
IP23 | 74 | Towards an Ontology of Schizophrenia |
IP24 | 75 | An OBI ontology Datum Proof Sheet |
IP25 | 76 | The Zebrafish Experimental Conditions Ontology Systemizing Experimental Descriptions in ZFIN |
IP26 | 77 | Performance Evaluation Clinical Task Ontology(PECTO) |
IP27 | 78 | Dealing with elements of medical encounters: an approach based on ontological realism |
IP28 | 79 | uc_FIDO: unambiguous characterization of food interactions with drugs ontology |
IP29 | 81 | Global Agricultural Concept Scheme: A Hub for Agricultural Vocabularies |
IP30 | 84 | Supporting database annotations and beyond with the Evidence & Conclusion Ontology (ECO) |
IP31 | 89 | Planteome Gene Annotation Enrichment Analysis |
IP32 | 91 | Enhancing SciENcv through semantic research profile integration with the VIVO-ISF ontology |
IP33 | Invited | The Dynamic Impact Approach as a web-based platform for analysis of time-course or multiple treatments omics datasets. |
IP34 | Invited | Plant Reactome: A Resource for Comparative Plant Pathway Analysis |
IP35 | Invited | Planteome: Reference Ontologies and a Platform for Integrative Plant Genomics |
IP36 | 71 | The Phenoscape Knowledgebase: tools and APIs for computing across phenotypes from evolutionary diversity and model organisms |
BioCreative posters: | ||
BP01 |
Ignet: A centrality and INO-based web system for analyzing and visualizing literature-mined networks |
BP02 | Disease Named Entity Recognition Using NCBI Corpus | |
BP03 | Label Embedding Approach for Transfer Learning |