
<p>We present a web based visual biocuration workspace, focusing on curating detailed mechanistic pathways. It was designed as a flexible platform where multiple humans, NLP and AI agents can collaborate in real-time on a common model using an event driven API. We will use this platform for exploring disruptive technologies that can scale up biocuration such as NLP, human-computer collaboration, crowd-sourcing, alternative publishing and gamification. As a first step, we are designing a pilot to include an author-curation step into the scientific publishing, where the authors of an article create formal pathway fragments representing their discovery- heavily assisted by computer agents. We envision that this “micro-curation” use-case will create an excellent opportunity to integrate multiple NLP approaches and semi-automated curation.</p>

Year of Publication
Conference Name
International Conference on Biomedical Ontology and BioCreative (ICBO BioCreative 2016)
Date Published
CEUR-ws.org Volume 1747
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